My Story
About Me.
I was born in Reno, Nevada and grew up in Boise, Idaho. I married my wonderful husband David on
March 30,1972 in the Idaho Falls, Idaho Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This
year we will celebrate our 50 th wedding anniversary! My childhood dream was to marry a wonderful
man and have a big family. My dream came true!
I was a “stay-at-home” mom for forty-two years as David and I raised our eleven children while moving
around the United States for David’s business. Creative writing and composing songs were my hobbies,
as these were two things that I could keep doing no matter where I lived. My latest song is called,
“There’s a Reason to Live.”
I was first nick-named “Mama Fales” by an enthusiastic young man I knew when he was a client in a
drug rehabilitation program in Massachusetts. Later, one of my daughters-in-law started calling me
Mama Fales, and the name seemed to stick! I love being a mother to my children and their spouses and
a grandmother to my twenty-nine beautiful grandchildren (so far)! I also love being called “Nana” by
many non-related children I know!
As far as formal education goes, I have an Associate of Arts Degree in University Studies with an
emphasis in Child Development and Family Relations from Brigham Young University. I also studied
English at California State University Northridge for one year. In the fall of 2019, I enrolled at Brigham
Young University once again—this time to take online classes to complete my Bachelor of Arts
degree—someday! Most of my real education has come from being a mother.
I am the principal writer and executive producer of the album, Wings of Glory: Songs of Hope and
Healing from Addiction and author of its companion book, Wings of Glory: The Story behind the Songs. I
am also the author of ABC’s for a Happy Marriage: A Collection of Original Poetry and Biblical Scriptures.
On my website,, I state: “My mission is to empower individuals, revitalize
marriages, fortify families, and provide healing to those who suffer from addiction and mental illness
through the mastery of choice.”
I enjoy reading and writing, and I try to update my website once a month with inspiration I’ve received
from the books and articles I’ve read or new research I’ve done. My website reflects my mission to help
others, and this is where I’ve posted most of my creative writing, which I’ve been compiling over the last
48 years!
When we moved back to Wyoming in 2009, David had the dream to start the all-natural Wyoming
Gourmet Beef company. Because he needed an “assistant,” I volunteered to help him in any way I could.
I soon realized that all the talents I had developed while being at home raising my children were
suddenly beneficial in the business world. I now have a business card with the title, “Creative Director,”
on it. This makes me smile. I cheerfully support my husband in all his endeavors, and he cheerfully
supports me in mine!
With all our adult children now living around the United States, David and I live happily on a small ranch
near beautiful Cody, Wyoming since returning to the land of my good husband ‘s birth– a man who has
always been a Wyoming cowboy at heart! I love living in Cody, and I appreciate the rich western
heritage, deep family roots, and friendliness of the entire community!
Kristine Litster Fales
179 Road 3CXS
Cody, WY 82414